Video Transcript:
Hi, Roger here I want to thank you for taking the time to watch the other videos. So, we’ve talked about today what’s the difference between making a $100,000 a year and job, making $250,000 a year and hobby, and making $1,000,000 in gross revenues and a business. We’ve talked about over here – you’re typically working for someone else, or you’re just spending your wheels, you’re not really accomplishing anything with your life, maybe you got a roof over your head, you know what, if you’re happy I’m happy, but I want to work with people who want more out of life. So, the next step, and that is to get them into this hobby style of business.
We’re making $250,000 a year. You’ve now figured out what it is that people want to buy, you’re making it available for them to buy, you’re doing a good job at implementing it, you’re selling a lot of it. Here you’re living in a decent house, you’re driving a decent car, you can go on a vacation every year, you’re really starting to enjoy life. Well, I want to help you get from here to here, which I helped many entrepreneurs do, I’ve done multiple times before with my own life. Over here we’ve got the perfect product. We know our pitch, we know how to sell, our no. 1 priority is always sales, nothing else. We sell first, everything else comes second. We let out team handle the implementation and the growth of the internal elements of our company. We allow them to do this for the systems and the procedures that we design. We help them put leads into the sales department and in the funnel so we can close more business, we can make more money, we do our own marketing or we hire a firm, but we are doing marketing, we know what they’re doing. We have a CFO, we have proper accounting in place so we can keep track of our numbers both analytically from a marketing and sales perspective and financially for an overall accounting perspective. We’re doing that for application of people, process product, we’re always looking for the weakest link in the business. Is it a person issues, product issues or process issue?
We’re finding it, we’re solving it, we’re making sure that it doesn’t happen again to the implementation of the new systems and procedures, and then we’re repeating the process every single month, month after month, knowing that we always have a weakest link in our business and that we’re always fixing it. Now why we’re doing that? Because we want success. What is success in our world? That is a business that does at least a million dollars a year in gross sales. Putting $250,000 a year in your pocket. Having a house that you want to live in, having a company pay the lease on that Mercedes, that Porsche, that BMW, whatever it is that you want to have, they’re paying your health insurance, they’re funding your retirement accounts, they’re sending your kids to college. The only reason to do this is for the reward that comes in the end, and that’s how you get to live your life. If you don’t want a better life, then you’re wasting your time on these videos, but if you do, there’s a link below that says “Request a Strategy Session.” I want to talk to you. I want to see where you’re at, I want to show you how to get to the next level and I want to show you people process product exactly what it is that’s stopping you from getting there now. If you’re interested in that, click the link below, fill out the quick and easy form, and we’ll set up the time to talk soon. Thank you.
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